Outreach & Opportunities
Below are a few opportunities from of our outreach that the Student Neuroscience Association partakes in. We are always looking to get the Neuroscience community more involved in any way possible, so let us know via GroupMe if you have any other ideas for outreach!
Additionally, The Neuroscience Student Advisory Council (NSAC) created and regularly updates a Living Opportunity Document. This document will contain any relevant research or internship opportunities!

Shepherd Center
Located in Atlanta, Georgia, Shepherd Center is a private, not-for-profit hospital specializing in medical treatment, research and rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, spine and chronic pain, and other neuromuscular conditions.
Founded in 1975, Shepherd Center started as a six-bed unit operating out of leased space in an Atlanta hospital. Now, it is ranked by U.S. News & World Report among the top 10 rehabilitation hospitals in the nation.
Apply to volunteer here: https://foundation.shepherd.org/how-to-give/volunteer/in-hospital-volunteering/

Brain Awareness Days
The Neuroscience Outreach Committee under Dr. Ragan plans multiple elementary and middle school visits throughout the semester to enhance Neuroscience learning through interactive demonstrations and exhibits about the brain.
During the Atlanta Science Festival, we hold an event at Georgia Tech for elementary & middle schoolers to attend, serving as an interactive introduction to neuroscience!
More about this

Guest Speakers
Throughout the semester, we plan to host panels and Q&A's with guest speakers within the Atlanta area. We aim to include professionals across multiple career fields, including Healthcare, Research, Law, and Corporate specialties.
We encourage our members to share the career fields that they are most interested in learning more about with us to ensure that we represent all disciplines! Feel free to email with suggestions and other feedback at: